Thursday, June 3, 2010

Poor Service

More often than not, I accompany my wife to a beauty salon. And for vanity and personality improvement sake, this happens specifiable times in a month. We usually go to salons in Davao City.

However if my wife feels the need to visit is urgent, we go to Panabo City the nearest city where we live.

Now, she doesn't have a particular choice of salon in this city so we just chose according to its name's popularity. There was this newly opened Carlo Reyes Beauty Salon (noticeably this salon has been sprouting all over Mindanao nowadays maybe franchising is cheap and salon services are in-demand.)

We went straight to the salon. Opened the glass door holding its silver handle. A gay (beautician I suppose) who has an unfortunate face in full contrast to his job description greeted us with an ersatz smile. We smiled back wryly and turned to the lady in the counter.

My wife discussed with lady the services she wanted. While, I quietly found a place in the corner to sit and schemed through some old, crumpled and lousily cared for magazines.

And so everything has settled.

One thing i noticed, this salon is extraordinarily noisy. Yeah, in salons people talk. the beauticians to their clients, vice versa, beautician to beautician, or client to clients.

But this salon is extra noisy. My wife once told me that aside from beauty beautifying herself, salon makes her feel relax. But in this case, no one, I say absolutely no one can relax. What with the boisterous laughter, the seeming-holler talk using gay-language, the annoying FM radio jokes coupled with terrible music from an old and barely breathing sound system.

What an awful Carlos Reyes branch.

Despite the scorching summer heat, I decided to go out and grabbed snacks. Now that made me feel better.

Everything was done, we paid and excused ourselves. My wife mysteriously smiled.

When we were already on our way to the mall, she told me that that unfortunate-looking-supposed-beautician gay backbit us using gay language without me knowing it (i don't understand gay lingua franca). The unfortunate-looking-supposed-beautician gay was referring whether we gave tip or not. Well, we did not.

Tip are supposed to be given when your satisfied with the services rendered to you. But in this case at Carlo Reyes Pabano branch we were disgruntled and fully unsatisfied with how the handle their customers.

Business franchising is easy to acquire. But I supposed what are franchised are not only the equipment, the shop's name but also the standards upheld by the original owners of the shop.

Now my bothered soul rests.