Wednesday, June 23, 2010

ComVal get P2-M waterworks

The lack of clean and safe water in a town of Compostela Valley province will be solved soon.

This as the Department of Agriculture through the Mindanao Rural Development Program (DA-MRDP) and the local government of Nabunturan partner to put up a P2.7 million worth of level-II communal potable water system (PWS).

Particularly benefiting Brgy. San Isidro, the project will construct two water intake boxes, a 27-cubic water reservoir and install pipelines and 18 communal faucets.

The study prepared by the LGU Nabunturan said Brgy San Isidro is abundant with water however it is not properly regulated and managed resulting to shortage of potable water supply.

The existing water system, whose pipelines were dilapidated and exposed to contamination, has served only 15% of the growing population. The rest of the community folks are dependent on rain waters exposing them to health hazards since water is exposed to contamination.
Upon completion of the project, it is expected that water will be provided to 216 households of the barangay with close to a thousand residents.
Also, the water system is expected to reduce, if not eliminate, fatal waterborne and water related diseases.
“Putting in place accessible potable water not only eliminates risk of water-borne and water-related diseases but helps in improving economic activity in the area,” said program director Lealyn A. Ramos.
“The problem in potable water is widespread in Mindanao, and we at DA are resolved to combat this problem by partnering with LGUs who are willing to put their stake in the program,” Ramos added.
Jointly funded by the World Bank, the national government and the 225 local governments of Mindanao , MRDP aims to reduce poverty, improve incomes, and better local governance by establishing infrastructures, livelihoods and pursuing environmental conservation efforts.
“Although infrastructure is a costly investment, the program (MRDP) has frontload of infrastructure projects since this is the foundation for agriculture to grow. And as we know agriculture is the backbone of the country’s economy,” Ramos said.
Recently, the program has completed two PWS projects in Mati, Davao Oriental amounting close to P5 million.