Sunday, June 27, 2010

Philippines, My country, My home

As I a child I wonder, why are there white, yellowish, brown and dark brown skinned, Filipinos.

With some eyes big but not gawking, some are squint. And the nose, oh the nose! Look at that little bunch of plump nose, how cute. While others are pointed, and some a little flat somewhere else. Put that together, you have this little, amiable, humor-filled, quick-wit Filipino.

A step further, I wondered, how in the world could a country be made of one thousand seven hundred islands? Each distinct and unique.

My many wonderings led me to investigate and discover a treasure which is not just a country, but a home to over 80 million gems of congenial Pinoys.

Indeed the Philippines, is more than just what we see it today. Its history, its people, its culture and traditions, and its uniqueness have a poignant root that explains the exquisite beauty of this Pearl in the Orient.

Welcome to my home.

Beautiful, we always describe this little paradise in the southeast part of Asia. But do you know where its beauty is really coming from?

Is it from the pristine beaches and sugar-white-laced islands? Or the lush forests that support various life forms? Or the mountains that contain precious ores and minerals like gold, copper, silver just to mention a few?

Of course there is the Majestic Mt. Apo. The almost perfect cone of Mt. Mayon, the chocolate hills, the subterranean river in Palawan. Boracay, the paradise island, the captivating Baguio city, the enchanting Davao, the waves of Surigao, the Tuna in Gen San… Are these the beauty of this country?

Significantly yes…

But on top of that is yet another beauty of the Philippines as I have learned, is hidden among its very delicate treasure… me! Yes, I am. And you too… You and I are the true beauty of this country.

You are surprised, aren’t you? Well, it’s not about your eyes, or my nose….but beyond.

More than four centuries of western domination, at least three foreign regimes, we have become a formidable people that have not lost our identity. We remain steadfast and resolve that we are a nation to be recognized.

As said Patricia Evangelista Our country is a land that has perpetually fought for the freedom to be itself. Our heroes offered their lives in the struggle against the Spanish, the Japanese, the Americans.
We struggled to be who we are; We fought for our identify.
Isn’t that heart-warming to hear?

Blessed with the bounty of natural resources, we enjoy life more.
My tito once had a chance to go to Korea as an exchange fellow. He was surprised during a conversation when one Korean said: “I’d like to be Filipino..” My shocked tito replied “why is that so?” The Korean replied: “You are more human. You laugh more. You sing a lot, you dance… You live your life!”

Ah.. What a complement! So it’s not the money then that makes people happy. Despite poor and developing, this country has not succumbed to becoming nothing. Yes, times are trying but we continue to live and cherish every little happiness we can muster, thus we are fittingly recognized as the top five happiest people in the world.

And for the record, this country alone lives and relives in perpetuity the value of family. Our lolos and lolas are never forsaken. They live among us. We care for them. We love them.

We are country of hardworking and warm people, compassionate and loving. And such hardwork, warmth, compassion and love are sent throughout the world.
Haven’t you heard that we are the 40,000 skilled nurses who support the London healthcare services? We are the one million seafarers manning most of the world's commercial ships. We are your software engineers in Finland, the construction workers in the Australia, the oil drillers in Middle East, the thousands of house help in Hondkong, the expert hands in Taiwan factory, the doctors and caregivers in North America, and, the musical artists in France.

Virtually, The Philippines is a beauty beyond borders.

But this country is poor! There is typhoon every month. To be more injurious, the government is so corrupt, so says the news. Some insurgency problems, a pinch of kidnapping here and a little bombing there.

How can I love this place so much?

Hey, is there any place in this world that does not have this “negative facets”.
Even the highly regarded United States went ground zero on 9/11, remember…

Despite some obnoxious issues, I see brightness on the other side.

Just weeks ago a taxi driver returned a bag of money to his foreign passenger. There was “Bayanihan” in the province of Compostela Valley for the landslide victims. A Bishop who apologized. A Boxing champion. … moral decency, humility and valor personified.

True, there are things we do like and do not like in this country.
But, that’s the challenge now for us. It’s not about what this country is not, or what it should be. It’s about what we have done. It's about giving back to the country that shaped us.

Brown, white, yellow, big eyes, squint ones, well defined nose or plump ones. It doesn’t matter.

More than being amused at how we Filipinos are alike and different and how the Philippines, this home of ours is so blessed and cursed at turbulent times, I am and will always be at heart and mind a standing tall Filipino. And Proud to call this country my own... My home.