Monday, August 17, 2009

My prayer

Almighty and most divine Father, creator of everything I see, I feel, and I take. I thank you for the gift of this world, for the gift of life and the blessings of persons. Be with me dear Lord, as I continue the mission of stewardship that you entrusted to me and to us all your people.

Transform us in your heavenly grace that we feel empathy for the plight of our fellow men. I see in the eyes of justice, I breathe in and out the air of honesty and morality, Hear the voices of the desolate and those in need. I speak of words that soothes the pain of those suffering. May I touch others with your healing touch.

I pray to become the channel of your faith, hope, peace and love.

Embrace me with your divine protection as we continue my task of helping and uplifting others, all for the glory of your Name.
