Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gleek Charice

Unadulterated Charice. Photo from Pinoy Paparazzi, shows the girl's profile before her Botulimun toxin procedure.

I aptly named this blog My Mindanao and Me. Intended to tell the whole world about this second largest island among the 7,107 islands of the Philippine archipelago.

But if you have bothered to scan around this site, I just did not talk about or show you Mindanao. I think being a Mindanaoan, I just couldn’t help but also talk about the county I love to live in and the issues engulfing it: be it environment, politics, TV shows, reality talent search, show business and a whole lot more.

Recently I watched the entire season one episode of the American TV hit Glee. Honestly, I was engrossedly entertained just as everyone else was hooked to its regular showing on cable TV.

Undoubtedly the show gave us a glimpse of the American youth culture. And it doesn’t take a genius to understand that it doesn’t quite fit our culture ‘our Filipino culture.’ Well, not the whole of it. The singing part, the whole heart and soul of it all, is very much in our veins, “we” love to sing.

You know what I mean. The movie broadcast in the entire universe but it was entirely to cater American audience. And they can surely relate to that.

Now, thinking of Charice being a in the season 2 cast.

I just couldn’t fear enough if the scriptwriters would rather let be herself or project herself as being one of who migrated and eventually becoming one them (“Americanized”) and erase the point of her being a Filipino.

We as Filipinos are proud that Charice has been cast in this world wide popular TV series. But the apprehension that her being a Filipino can be lost “as a character” and as a person can be eliminated, hangs on air.

This piece might be as lopsided as my views in this world and as highly debatable but I guess the opinion cannot just be left unsaid.

This opinion it doesn’t matter. Bu as a Filipino as a Mindanaoan, I would love more Charice’s appearance on Glee would tell who we are as Filipinos and great this third world nation is.

The world might have its standards regarding nations as first, second, third, developing, poor, whatever. But people ‘individuals’ who has a dignity that should be upheld cannot be part of this so-called ranking.

No one needs another excruciating pain of discrimination.

I rest here. I hope to continue this and present much better arguments. Thanks for reading. I love you.