Friday, February 27, 2009

Gumising at Magkape! (The cofibean hate hits )

While in a middle of a dull meeting, a colleague of mine gave me this url:, he said this is one thought-provoking ego-hitting-and-igniting(my own term) blog. I read few lines and i already got the trend... it was such a crap i thought, but reading further it becomes a laugh not on the ORC baho katutubo subject of this blogger but on himself.

This blogger (whoever she/he/it is) is really making waves on line. He receives hate messages mostly from call center agents he/she/it hits.

If you have a sense of humor, you will get hook to his blog. NOt for the its non-senseness, but on how pathetic people express themselves. So, engrossed with this "Certified glitterati from Makati. A commoner of all the chichi places. Simply suave and primo. The envy of many. Adonishingly fantasmo... Yep. That's him whose Motto: "Make Poverty History!" and hates the baho masa / orcs said: Obliterate them all!"

Make Poverty History - is very catchy. I thought it was some advocacy call to help the poor ORC katutubo baho natives of this country (borrowed this line from him/her/it). But OMG, Make poverty history was as crappy as the author.

I trackeddown his friendster account which he/she it/ said was hacked by some stalker or something, and here's what 'righteous' people have to say:

From Boo:

hoy cofibean LOL ang eksina mo bakla. winner ang kaiklatan mo. grabhe as in overrrr... tHE great pretender ang drama mo hitad. aNG tArush ng mga blog mo pinagkakaguluhan ng madlang people. pEro kwedaw ka bakla, balita ko mag aambag-ambag daw ng piso piso lahat ng mga call center agent dito sa pinas para pambayad sa hired killer na papatay sayo. hahaha saka isa pa mag iipon-ipon daw lahat ng ORCs sa luneta para mag prayer rally, ipagdarasal daw nila na sana mamatay ka na ahehehe. sabay sabay daw sila mag titirik ng kandila para sayo o di ba BONGGA!! kaw naman kasi bakla ko di ka ba namn isang dakilang moron, Imbecile, idiot, retarded, mongoloid, ingot, tanga, gusto mo lang maging poppular bakit itets na paraan pa naisip mo. ask me lang bakla kaw ba nakakatulog ka pa ng mahimbing nyan, Im sure balisa ka, sa sobrang dami ba naman ng maygalit sa blog mo, im sureness marami gusto ipa dead ka. kaya careful ka bakla baka one morning malaman namin palutang lutang na lang ang beauty mo sa ilog.

06/28/2008 2:20 am

your the orc.. sobrang yabang.. wala kaming pakialam kung mayaman ka get a life.. and live outside philippines..dun ka naman bagay sabagay when your there ikaw yung ORC hahaha

06/19/2008 3:32 pm

I WILL KILL YOU! gay... I will assure you that you will burn in hell! I WILL KILL YOU IF I SEE YOU! beware! stop making comments about people you dont even know. all that I can say is that you are a BUM. rich boy wannabe! I'll Kill YOU!

♥mAmA and GaBe♥
06/8/2008 6:15 am

  • hey you!
    i got a glimpse of your blogs...
    and i should say YOU ARE SO PATHETIC...
    i SO pity you...all those whims and visions about
    money and porsche...
    stop claiming that you're a writer because you are not...
    these stories are all your make-believe fantasies...
    you smell worst than garbage!
    don't possess such attitude like yours...
    this is a free country yes, but for you to step on other
    people's rights i don't think that's fair!
    you are all noise...nothing more...
    ever been familiar with a saying that goes EMPTY CANS
    MAKE A LOT OF NOISE...those are like empty brains...
    like yours...
    callcenter peeps did nothing to you...
    and by the way, i just had noticed that you don't post your
    pictures...hmmm...why is that so?
    well, i guess you are so ashame of your face that you
    don't have enough guts to show it to the public...
    well...hahaha! all i can say is...get a life! if life seems so
    miserable to you due to your bittern

06/7/2008 2:09 pm

  • know what , i just read your blog last night posted in our knowledge base in our office. well, upon reading it ,no doubt i know you're gay. the way you compose you're statement. dude stop it, you're making yourself famous in a notorious way.
    granting you're born with a silver spoon on the mouth but BOY you need to WAKE UP....ikaw ang nakakatawa at hindi kami..tanga

06/5/2008 3:23 pm

  • you know what.. if you really have the balls to write those shits on your blog,, post ur pic.. so we CALL CENTER ORC can kick ur ASS
    and one question.. are you gay PARE? coz you like those kind of TV shows..and whats with the language..straight english please... come out of the closet.. so hot in there hahaha.....
    hope you burn in hell.. you disgust me!!!!!

05/17/2008 4:53 pm

  • i don't know man but i think you call yourself a good writer because you can agitate a lot of people... but to the level of being a professional hell no man. maybe you really are just a retard that's why you act like that. migrate to the US if you hate the 'baho masa' here in the Philippines, you keep on commenting on people, so why not make any actions? you're so stupid you can't think of that? keep the fuck talks and make some move mr. retard.

    actually on either way you are also an orc because you're narrow minded just like your mom who lost hefty sum of money... i just wish god put curse on people like you who don't know anything but to give shits on everyone.

    die biatch! egg-sucking ass pirate!

04/25/2008 4:57 am

  • tangina mas gusto ko pa mag basa ng sign boards at commercials kesa mag sayang pa ng oras mag basa ng posts dito. posts, comments.. hay. walang kwenta. may mga orcs pang nalalaman di man lang marunong gumamit ng mga puns na napupulot sa ibang lugar ng maayos e. di ko naman sinasabi na un edcuated or sa madaling salita WALANG PINAGARALAN. Walang taste, yun na lang. pati mga supporters or readers or fans nya.

    o ayan. Baka mag reklamo pa kayo bat ako nag comment. hehehe kala ko ba ok lang sa inyo na express ang freedom to say what i want. laking tawa ko lang talaga pag nabasa nyo to at napag isip isp nyo na you could have done something more worthwhile with your time than reading a fag's blog full of shit.

    hate comment over. hehehehe. see you online mga bading.

04/12/2008 9:42 pm

  • hoy.putangina ka.katutubo ba tlga tawag mo sa mga pilipino? bagay.mga kalyo sa kamay mo.kasusubo at kahahawak ng titi ng mga sa laki.di kaya.uuwi ng your own work.give money.pretending to be a good, rich gay.using the language og tag-lish. jologs puta.cut your will make others happy

How amusing are communication media nowadays. At your fingertips you can agitate people, provoke some juicy thoughts, hit ego, attack yourself. the world is becoming so borderless that you can never tell who is sane and not. The freedom of expression is sometimes construed and bent which becomes a lame excuse for unhealthy bubble mouths that does nothing except putting more crap to this already crappy world. So, whats the moral of this? I'll figure it our soon.

Monday, February 23, 2009

GMA's Ancestral Home (Iligan City, Lanao del Norte)

Here's GMA's house when she stayed with her grandparents in Timoga, Iligan, Lanao del Norte. It's a very nice place. Fifty meters infornt of the house is a beach where carenderias sprout whose specialty is lechon. At the back of the house are water resorts with various sizes of pools watered by the waterfalls above...

Friday, February 13, 2009

fast forward days

It seems that the past two weeks shot like an arrow. Very quickly, i was around Mindanao. The first visit was in Datu Odin Sinsuat in ARMM, hours later i was in GenSan, then the following day in Polomolok... Davao in Saturday and CDO on Sunday, went to Iligan, Linamon in Lanao del Norte then in the Province of Bukidnon: Malaybalay city and the town of Lantapan... (pictures of this travel will be posted later.. ) Kudos!